What excitement!! The Colin Buchanan concert on Wednesday was excellent and the kids had a ball (after JJ stopped screaming and begging to go home because she was so overwhelmed by it all!). Jeremy got the morning off to come, and Lynn came too, so it was a far less stressful experience (for me) than last year. I love the pic of the kids watching the concert - X was too excited to sit on my lap to watch, but too short to see properly when he was standing up, so he spent half the time straining to see over the seat in front!
Instead of being literally last in the queue to see the man himself after the show, like last year (that was a fun hour!) we were actually first in line - woo hoo!
JoJo has a thing about wearing 4 plaits all the time at the moment (actually she has a big thing about the number 4 in general... "Mummy I'm going to smell your hair 4 times"... What the?) and she was very pleased when Colin liked them!